
The healthspan constitutional!

Targets the digestive process and concentrates your energy to promote digestive health.

Benjamin Franklin

said click to read

For you if you are overweight at any age

or over 50 at any weight.

Over 50

Are you on the slippery slope of LADDS

(laxatives, anti-depressants, diapers, doctors and surgeries)?

Start a healthspan constitutional program and avoid LADDS,


The 8th Deadly sin (the sin of lifelessness)

and the humiliations that come with unhealthy aging.

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Why Healthspan


No sweat sessions at the gym.

What is an evening constitutional?

a walk or other mild exercise taken for the benefit of one's health.

The Healthspan Constitutional Digestion Made Easy

A healthspan constitutional program takes about 20 minutes a day

and is a necessary part of the digestive process.

Propulsion is the second step in the digestive process

and propulsion directly effects transit time

one of the objective of the healthspan constitutional

Cholesterol Control


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Videos coming soon.

The Healthspan Constitutional

The healthspan constitutional program is about

independent living and having the opportunity to get more out of life.

Looking younger and living better starts with digestive health

and upper body conditioning.